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Human Choice and Computers, 12th IFIP TC9 HCC Conference – Manchester, UK., 2016
From Caravaggio to Braque: Digital Technology and the Illusion of Augmented Responsibility
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Speaker at Todi Appydays (2015)
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The LMI Made-in-Italy (MiI) Jewelry business model which brings together the innovative concept of luxury Digital District (DD) and an e-commerce innovative platform is presented. The DD represents the shift from a traditional jewelry Industrial District of networked Micro-Enterprises (MEs), namely artisans, tied to the physical dimension of a territory to a social and intangible digital environment in the virtual space which leverages a co-petitive crowdsourcing e-commerce platform. The innovative LMI platform enables young Italian artisans throughout Italy to feature an end-to-end global export business without intermediaries. Export wouldn’t be viable to MEs by means of their small organizational structure, lack of digital culture and technologies. LMI copes with this issue, taking over MEs marketing, sales and logistics processes by earning a percentage on sales. An original complex approach to the analysis of the LMI value proposition issues is performed via methodologies integrating traditional methods with participated Design Thinking techniques… Read more >>>
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John Maynard Keynes and the Economy of Trust. The Relevance of the Keynesian Social Thought in a Global Society, Palgrave Mcmillan, Basingstoke UK – 2014
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Trust, Social relations and Engagement. Understanding Customer Behaviour on the Web, Palgrave Mcmillan, Basingstoke UK – 2012
Padua D., La fiducia nella crisi globale. L’attualità del pensiero keynesiano, Carocci Editore, Roma 2012.
Trust in the global crisis. The relevance of Keynesian social thought. Why trust collapses in times of crisis? And when, instead, it becomes a driver of growth, generating value? The volume offers an analysis of the dynamics of trust by giving a sociological interpretation to the thought of John Maynard Keynes, the first economist to understand the full extent of the confidence-lever… Read more >>>
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Padua D., Agire creativo e senso della razionalità in Pareto.
Con una selezione di brani del Trattato di Sociologia, Franco Angeli, Milano 2009
Trust in the global crisis. The relevance of Keynesian social thought. Why trust collapses in times of crisis? And when, instead, it becomes a driver of growth, generating value? The volume offers an analysis of the dynamics of trust by giving a sociological interpretation to the thought of John Maynard Keynes, the first economist to understand the full extent of the confidence-lever… Read more >>>
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Padua D., Sociologia del Diversity Management.
Il valore delle differenze culturali, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia 2007
Sociology of Diversity Management. In the post-modern scenario, institutions inherit their morphologies from the complex network of people’s interactions. Thence, if institutions are made by persons, analyzing the institution would presume an operation of understanding the meaning and value of their inner differences… Read more >>>
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Obiettivo Customer Insight >>>
Il brand nell’Internet age >>>
Marketing in Rete >>>
Il business della relazione >>>
Il viaggio del consumatore in rete >>>
Fiducia in rete >>>
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She has written several articles for the business magazine “L’Impresa” of Sole24ore, the Italian leader Financial Newspaper.